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Venenatis Vel Vestibulum

Time spent: 10 weeks
HTML5, CSS3, Wordpress

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  • This book has been one of the proudest achievements of my career. Eckhartz Press has been fantastic to me since I began working on it. Through every phase of the process, they were there to help. It’s fair to say that “Records Truly Is My Middle Name” would not exist – or would be a pale imitation of what it became, without the talented folks at Eckhartz Press.

    John Records Landecker, Records Truly is my Middle Name
  • I came to Eckhartz Press with some skepticism. In my role as president of the Chicago Writers Association, I have heard more tales of unhappy authors thank I care to share. They tell discouraging and disheartening stories of publishers who have not followed through with their promises. In many cases, these publishers have treated them more as an afterthought and gave them little or no support throughout the publishing process. I felt their pain, having had my own bad publishing experiences in the past. I'm happy to say that Eckhartz Press has washed away that skepticism. Rather than treating me as an afterthought, Eckhartz has made me feel like an equal partner. At all stages of the publishing process, from reviewing and editing my manuscript to designing and marketing my book, they worked with me hand-in-hand. The result is the book I wanted, one that fully embodies all that went into writing it. The quality of the finished product is first-rate and, unlike many other publishers out there, they don't stop working for you after they've published your book. They aggressively market your title so that it can sell. Their model works because they put the author first, not at the back of the line. A lot of blood, sweat and tears go into writing a book and Eckhartz matches that to give the author a book to be proud of.

    Randy Richardson, Cheeseland, Lost in the Ivy
  • I can't say enough about how valuable Eckhartz Press was to me during my book publishing adventure. Being a novice in the field, it was comforting to know that the details of getting a book published were being attended to by the experts Thanks to the Eckhartz staff, I could focus on writing, knowing that the other necessary tasks of getting the book to print were being handled in a very expeditious and professional manner. I highly recommend Eckhartz!

    Bruce Bohrer, Best Seat in the House, Diary of a Wrigley Field Usher

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