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News and Notes

Observations and opinions about the brave new publishing world.

At Chicago Author Solutions (a division of Eckhartz Press), we stay on top of happenings/trends in the publishing world to help out busy writers who are spending their time doing what they should be doing: writing.

1. Top Writing Tips
From that killer first line to dealing with writer’s block, children’s author Chris D’Lacey shares his top writing tips
2. How to Write a Great Opening Line
It’s probably more important not to have a bad first line, but it sure does help to have a great one. This article gives you tips on how to write one. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
3. A review of Writer’s Digest
Writer’s Digest often features reivews, but how many times have you seen a review of Writer’s Digest? Here’s one.
4. Productivity tips from superfast writers
Believe it or not, there are ways to make yourself write faster. There are two good tips in this article that I live by.
5. Tips for writing a book you’ll love
And it’s in the Huffington Post, so you know it’s true. All snarkiness aside, there are some good tips here.

At Chicago Author Solutions (a division of Eckhartz Press), we stay on top of happenings/trends in the publishing world to help out busy writers who are spending their time doing what they should be doing: writing.
1. How to Format An Ebook for Kindle or Smashwords
Of course you can hire someone to do it for you (like us), but if you are pretty tech-savvy and have some time on your hands, it’s totally possible to learn how to do it yourself.
2. You learn by finishing things
This sounds like simple “duh” advice, but it’s so true. Millions of writers around the world have a half-finished novel somewhere that they just can’t finish. The act of finishing it, will teach you so much.

3. Tips on Writing from Famous Writers
Hemingway, Fitzgerald, King, and more.
4. What’s With the Hieroglyphics, ‘Merica? 5 Tips For Writing With Real Words
There are some excellent points in this piece, and not just for professional writers. These are useful tips for anyone writing anything at all in the age of social media and texting.

At Chicago Author Solutions (a division of Eckhartz Press), we stay on top of happenings/trends in the publishing world to help out busy writers who are spending their time doing what they should be doing: writing.


1. Ten Tips for the young budding writer
Roddy Doyle writes these tips in the Irish Times, and the Irish know a thing or two about writing.
2. Chicago Writer Awarded Free House in Detroit
The headline alone is worth clicking, isn’t it? There’s also a video report at this Chicagoist link.
3. Why Book Publishing is Like Waitressing
Stephanie Danler makes the comparison in Vogue. It seems like a bit of a stretch, but then again, I’m not a Vogue reader.
4. 74 Great Ways to Die in Fiction
Let author Derek Haines count the ways.
5. Five Free Ways to Promote Your Work
You probably already know all five of these tips presented by culturevultures.com, but just in case you don’t, they are pretty essential.
6. Ten Tips for Writing Paranormal Fiction
Krys Kingston is a British author of paranormal fiction. She should know how to do it.
7. Children’s Author Shares Writing Tips
Of all the genres of writing, we get more inquiries from Children’s authors than any other type. Gary Hogg is the writer of the Charlie Bacon series, and speaks to groups across the country. Worth checking out.

At Chicago Author Solutions (a division of Eckhartz Press), we stay on top of happenings/trends in the publishing world to help out busy writers who are spending their time doing what they should be doing: writing.


1. Three Social Media Tips For Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators
The life of the kid lit author is not the same as the rest of us. There are a few additional things that need to be considered when dealing with social media, for instance.
2. 10 Things An Author Should Never Do On Twitter
We all know how important social media is to promoting our work, but we do really take it as seriously as we should? Social Media Just For Writers has some excellent advice for mainstream authors.
3. How writing a novel is different than writing Danger Mouse
Naturally, there’s only two people who know the difference. The writers of Danger Mouse, Nick Ostler and Mark Huckerby.
4. Late Night Writing Tips
Not tips for writing late at night, tips for writing for late-night television.
5. Unblocking Writer’s Block
I’ll keep linking to these articles whenever I find them, because there is no one correct way of doing it, and it varies for everyone. Maybe one of these tips will help you.
6. Tips from John Grisham
What can you learn from the best selling author of the past few decades? There’s gotta be a few things, right?
7. Planning your audio book can make you a better writer
An interesting concept. Reading your writing aloud can do more than prepare you for the audio book. It shows you the holes in your writing.
8: Survival Tips for writing your book
This is the kind of advice that comes in handy for people who have never gone through the process before.
9. Q&A with Eckhartz Press author Jeanne Bellezzo
The Chicago-born San Diego resident answers questions about her provocative new book.